
Keanu Reeves is immortal

fonte: http://www.keanuisimmortal.com/ 

First - He doesn't age

Second - Being immortal he lived through time with many identities.

Charlemagne (748 - 814)

Paul Mounet (1847 - 1922)

In recent years, Mounet has attained some notoriety in online communities for his striking resemblance to present-day actor Keanu Reeves.

Third - The kindness he possess is the spawn of a long and sage life.

Keanu is one of the few actors that truly respects the work of the people behind the scenes of hollywood movies, is it clear that during his everlasting life he came to appreciate the hard work so he decided to give away 50 millions pounds (out of 70) of his earnings from the matrix sequels. When asked about his act of generosity he said:
"Money is the last thing I think about. I could live on what I have already made for the next few centuries".

fonte: http://www.keanuisimmortal.com/


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